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Surgical Association
Professor John V Reynolds
Academic Head of Department of Clinical Surgery. Trinity Centre for Health Sciences. St. James's Hospital.

Professor Derek Alderson
Past President of The Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Honorary Committee
Honorary President

Manuel Pera Roman
Professor of Surgery
Head, Section of Gastrointestinal Surgery. Hospital Universitari del Mar, Barcelona.

Luis Grande Posa
Professor of Surgery
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital Universitari del Mar. Barcelona.

Miguel Pera Roman
Professor of Surgery
Head, Service of General and Digestive Surgery. Hospital Universitari del Mar. Barcelona

Professor Cristobal Pera
Emeritus Professor of Surgery. University of Barcelona.
Honorary Fellow - Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Professor Jan van Lanschot
Department of Surgery, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Joaquim Gea Guiral
Dean, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences.
Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

Manuel Armengol Carrasco
Dean, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona School of Medicine.

Rosa Jorba
President, Catalonian Surgical Society.

José Antonio Pereira
Professor of Anatomy. Pompeu Fabra University.
Consultant. Section of General Surgery. Hospital Universitario del Mar. Barcelona.
Professor Tom Walsh
Academic Department of Clinical Surgery. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Dublin, Ireland.

Jonathan McFarland
President of The Doctor as a Humanist Association.
Head of Academic Writing at Sechenov First State Medical University in Moscow.

Estela Membrilla
Assistant Professor of Surgery. Consultant. Surgical Emergency Unit. Section of General Surgery. Hospital Universitario del Mar. Barcelona
Shaun Preston
Consultant General Surgeon in the Royal Surrey Hospital, Guilford, UK

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