Surgical Association

The Gimbernat Surgical Association Committee has the honor of welcoming you to our page and invite you to discover the story of our association!
Our association was established in 2011 by a group of fourth grade medical students of the bachelor's degree in medicine Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona tutored by our honorary president Professor Manuel Pera.
We are a group of medicine students who eager to learn more about surgery and be inspired by it!
Asepsis and Antisepsis Workshop
On Tuesday 10th of November a new edition of the Asepsis and Antisepsis Workshop took place.
Our freshmen learned how to keep sterile conditions in the OR in first person.
Gimbernat and Virgili awards ceremony
As every year, last 28th of September the Catalonian Surgical Society gathered its members in order to deliver the Gimbernat and Virgili Awards in the ancient Royal Academy of Medicine.
Special shoutout to Dr. Luís Grande and
Dr. Ronan O'Connell for the achievement.