Surgical Association
Gimbernat Surgical Symposium 2021
This year, after a lot of effort and in the middle of a pandemic, we have again made possible the celebration of the Gimbernat Surgical Symposium - Second Edition. This year, we have enlarged the symposium into a 4 days event, in which all the logistics have been adapted to the current COVID-19 situation. Nevertheless, the result has been excelent, and the students Committe is really proud of it.
This year's conferences have been held virtually, allowing it to be recorded. Therefore, in the attached video you can watch the opening adress by our Honorary President, Professor Manuel Pera, and the Gimbernat Surgical Society Vice President, Ada Cardiel, and Secretary, Adrián López.
Following this, Professor Miguel Pera introduced the session and the speaker, Professor José M. Balibrea, surgeon in the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, who prepared a lecture named "What defines academic surgery in the 21st century?".

The second conference was named: "Recharge yourself with energy - How to face the medical career". In this case, our guest Belén Ramírez, executive coach, organized a session to give our students little tips in order to organize their medical careers not only from the productive working part but also from the emotional, physical and mental health point of view.

Last but not least, the last day of the symposium was closed by a Roundtable titled "Humanism in Surgery - Now more needed than ever". This session was conducted by Professor Jonathan McFarland, President of "The Doctor as a Humanist" international project, and included the participation of several renowned figures in Medical Humanities: Jacek Mostwin, professor of Urology in The Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, USA); Ourania Varsou, lecturer in Anatomy in the University of Glasgow (UK) and Héctor Guadalajara, head of Surgery in Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Diaz (Madrid, Spain). Also, two students from the Gimbernat Surgical Association participated in the session, Pelayo Aguilera and Adrián López.
After this astonishing conference, Pelayo and Adrián closed this year's symposium by giving the “Best Teacher of the Year Award” to Dr. Juan Guzmán, faculty member from the Department of General Surgery of Hospital del Mar.
Apart from these conferences, where our students could learn different aspects of the surgical careers which are not always explained in university, they had the opportunity to practise their clinical skills in some of the workshops we had prepared: Basic cardiac surgery workshop, Training in basic laparoscopic skills, Artroscopic skills workshop, Basic surgical skills workshop in Dermatology, Suturing skills workshop and Simulated trauma scenarios.

We would like to thank all the professors, speakers, organizers, participants and sponsors who have made this event possible. We eagerly wait to see you all again next year!
Promotional videos
SCALPEL - Gimbernat Surgical Symposium 2021