Surgical Association
Surgical Skills Workshops
Asepsis and antisepsis Workshop 2021-2022
We held our Asespsis and antisepsis training once more last week. The minor surgery workshop cannot take place without the participation of the students in this activity, which is also a very engaging learning opportunity for individuals interested in a career in surgery.
The success of prior editions has been replicated this year, and we've had excellent attendance overall, particularly from first- and second-year students. In this instance, we had the assistance of 5th grade med students who collaborated and whose knowledge helped to enlighten the younger ones with further suggestions.
The significance of sterility in the operating theatre and its crucial role in preventing surgical infections were made clear to the students. Important procedures including washing your hands, putting on sterile gloves and surgical coats, as well as a thorough explanation of how to keep your environment sterile at all times, were taught. It has unquestionably been a very positive experience for the instructors and the participants, as evidenced by its welcome. I'll see you at the upcoming Gimbernat events!
"Great expirience that allowed us to get a first grasp of the surgical world"

Suturing Workshop 2022
Last 8th of June we carried out one of our most desired and expected workshop for the students: the suturing workshop!
This year, the success of previous editions has been repeated and we have achieved great attendance, especially from 1st and 2nd year students who were able to acquire the necessary knowledgements about surgical tools, knots, simple suture and continuous suture. Moreover, they learned and practiced basic surgical skills so they can take part in future minor surgery workshops.
In this case we had the help of collaborating 5th and 6th grade students whose experience also served to give some additional advice to the newer ones.
But we have to specially thank the General Surgery Residents and Consultants who participated as instructors.
These were some of the particpant's opinion:
“We loved having the opportunity to get a closer approach to surgery and medical practice”
“I left wishing to practice and improve my suturing skills"
Undoubtedly it was a very satisfactory experience for both the instructors and the participants. See you in the next AQG activities!
Asepsis and antisepsis Workshop 2021-2022
This year, we have again carried out our Asepsis and Antisepsis workshop. This activity is essential so that students can participate in the minor surgery workshop, and also a very interesting experience for those who wish to pursue a surgerical career.
This year, the success of previous editions has been repeated and we have achieved great attendance, especially from 1st and 2nd year students. In this case we had the help of collaborating 5th and 6th grade students whose experience also served to give some additional advice to the newer ones.
The students learned the importance of sterility in the operating room and its close relationship in the prevention of surgical infections. Important techniques such as hand washing, how to put on sterile gloves, surgical coats as well as a detailed explanation on how to maintain this sterility at all times were taught. Undoubtedly, due to its reception, it has been a very satisfactory experience for both the instructors and the participants. See you in the next Gimbernat activities!
Suturing Workshop 2021
This year, we have organised the annual Suturing workshop as a part of the 10th Anniversary celebration. We organised two sessions, of 18 students each, in which our members could learn the basic aspects of surgical suturing and surgical knots.
The main objective of this session is to learn and practice basic surgical skills, therefore, in each session there were different activities: surgical tools, knots, simple suture and continuous suture.
Special thanks to the General Surgery Residents and Consultants who participated as instructors, as well as the our official partner: Braun, for providing the necessary material for the workshop.

Asepsia and antisepsia Workshop 2020-2021
This month, we have done the asepsis and antisepsis workshop. This activity shapes the first step in order to apply for a minor surgery workshop, a definitely intersting experience in those interested in surgery.
This year, we have doubled the planned capacity in order to fulfill the interest that 1st and 2nd year students had in doing this seminar, reaching a total capacity of more than 70 students!
First of all, a short lecture has been given by 4th and 5th year students and then the students have practised with surgical material.
The students have learnt the importance of sterility in an operation theatre as well as the correct form of antisepsis in order to prevent surgical infections. Not only did they practise on how to put on sterile gloves, but also on how to fit in a surgical coat. We would like to thank them all and hope to see them in the next AQG activities.

Asepsia and antisepsia Workshop 2019-2020
We are pleased to inform you that last Wednesday 23rd of October we had our first Asepsia and Antisepsia Workshop. The second one was cancelled due to the critical situation in Barcelona. The second workshop is pending and we are looking for a date.
A total of 20 members of our association were able to learn the basics of surgical performance. It started with an explanation and then practical training of the skills that are needed in an OR. They learned how to put on surgical clothes and surgical gloves while maintaining sterile conditions.
We think that practical training is the key to learn these skills, so we focus on that at the workshop and aim that all of our members put these into practice on by assisting to a minor surgery offered by the association.
See you soon in an OR!
Suturing Workshop 2018-2019
The VIII annual Suturing Workshop took place the past 2nd and 14th May 2019 in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the Pompeu Fabra University.
The instructors Dr. Manuel Pera, Dr. Juan Guzmán, Dr. Frank Vela, Dr. María Alejandra Guerrero, Dr. Marc Pérez, Dr. Carlos Ruiz, Dr. Estela Membrilla, Dr. Ana María González, Dr. Anabel González headed two days a two-hour session in which all our 40 students could learn basic knots and place surgical stitches. The available places were filled very quickly and there were some students that had to wait until next year to participate.
We would like to thank all of them for the patience and dedication with their jobs and with our learning.
6th & 8th
Asepsia and antisepsia Workshop 2018-2019
We are pleased to inform that last Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th of November we had our two annual Asepsia and Antisepsia Workshops, in which we had even more participation than past year.
A total of 35 members of our association were able to learn the basics of surgical performance. They learned how to put on surgical clothes that are needed in order to go into an OR. The students could also practise the proper way of doing the surgical scrub and putting on gloves while maintaining sterile conditions. And finally, they learned how to dress up with the surgical gown. But learning all those procedures was not all we did. We shared experiences and had a marvellous time.
It is our pleasure to run this workshop. Every year our students agree that this workshop is worth it. It is very dynamic and takes less than 2 hours. This workshop has two parts. It starts with an easy lecture about concepts and techniques, which is given by two of our senior members. This year Miriam Cazador and Eva Alberch took care of it. After this explanation, the workshop has a final part which consists on practical training of the procedure and skills. We think that practical training is the key to learn these skills, so we focus on that at the workshop and aim that all of our members put these into practice on by assisting to a minor surgery offered by the association. Keep learning, practising and enjoying!
Suturing Workshop 2017-2018
The VII annual Suturing Workshop took place the past 16th and 23th May 2018 in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the Pompeu Fabra University.
The instructors Dr Ruiz, Dr. Munarriz, Dr. De Miguel, Dr. Guzmán, Dr. Montcusí, Dr. Torrent, Dr. Pera, Dr. Grande and Dr. Pereira headed two days a two-hour session in which all our 40 students could learn basic knots and place surgical stitches. The available places were filled very quickly and there were some students that had to wait until next year to participate.
We would like to thank all of them for the patience and dedication with their jobs and with our learning.
Asepsis and antisepsis Workshop 2017-2018
OCT 25th & 26th
Last Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th we had our two annual Asepsia and Antisepsia Workshops. A total of thirty members were able to learn which clothing they needed to go into an O.R.; which was the proper way of washing their hands and putting on gloves while maintaining sterile conditions; and how to dress up with the surgical gown. All in all, learning all those procedures in less than two hours was quite a merit. Congrats to them!
It is our pleasure to run this workshop. Every year our students agree that this workshop is worth it. It is very dynamic. First, our students listen to the explanation given by our senior members Manel Fa and Sergio Sans about all the things that are required in the O.R. After that, they go through a drill where they are the leading characters. We do it this way as we think that if you are willing to learn something, interactive and dynamic learning is the easiest way of doing it!
Suturing Workshop 2016-2017
The VI annual Suturing Workshop took place the past 16th and 23th May 2016 in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the Pompeu Fabra University. With a total of 30 students, the available places were filled very quickly and there were some students that had to wait until next year to participate.
For sixth consecutive year, association members were able to learn basic surgical techniques such as simple and continuous sutures, knots, infiltrations and surgical field and were given the opportunity to contact with surgery residents that clarified some of the student's doubts about their medical speciality.
The event counted, as always with the advice and help of surgeons as Professor Manuel Pera and Professor Luis Grande from Hospital del Mar. This year we also had the collaboration of doctors as Dr. Jaime Jimeno, Dr. Juan Guzman, Dra. Marina Munarriz, Dra. Estela Membrilla, Dra. Blanca Montcusí, Dra. Laia Torrent, Dr. Carlos Ruiz, Dra. Maite de Miguel and Dra. Sandra Toro.
After ending the workshop, each participant received a diploma and there was some time left for an exchange of experiences between students and teachers.
Suturing Workshop 2015-2016
The V annual Suturing Workshop took place the past 9th and 23th May 2016 in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the Pompeu Fabra University. A total of 30 students participated in the event that counted with the collaboration of residents of the service of general and digestive Surgery under the supervision of Professor Manuel Pera and Professor Luis Grande.
After five years, this activity has become one of the favorites between our young members. All available places were filled very quickly and there were some students that will have to wait until next suturing workshop. It is our desire to increase the number of places for the next event.
The participants of the course were able to learn new surgical skills such as sutures, knots, anesthetic infiltrations or preparing the surgical field. At the end of the workshop we had the chance to speak with all the instructors and all the participants received a diploma.
Suturing Workshop 2014-2015
The IV annual Suturing Workshop took place the past 27th and 28th May 2015 in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, at Pompeu Fabra University. After four years, this activity has become one of the favorites between our members. With a total number of 30 students, the available places are filled very quickly and there are always students that have to wait until next year to participate.
The event counted, as always, with the advice and help of surgeons as Professor Manuel Pera and Professor Luis Grande from Hospital del Mar. This year we also had the collaboration of doctors as Dra. Argudo, Dra. Climent, Dr. Gallego, Dr. Guzmán, Dra. Iskra, Dra. Pérez and Dr. Suárez. We were able to learn new surgical abilities as sutures, knots, infiltrations or surgical field. At the end of the workshop we had the chance to speak with the teachers and all the participants received a diploma.
Suturing Workshop 2013-2014
The third annual Suturing Workshop took place in May 21st and May 29th in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University. A total of 30 students participated in the event that counted with the collaboration of the Professor Manuel Pera and Dr. Luis Grande and the help of general surgery's and gastroenterology's medical residents of Hospital del Mar.
For the third consecutive year, association members were able to learn basic surgical techniques such as simple and continuous sutures, knots, infiltrations and surgical field and were given the opportunity to contact with surgery residents that clarified some of the student's doubts about their medical speciality. After ending the workshop, each participant received a diploma and there was some time left for an exchange of experiences between students and teachers.
Suturing Workshop 2012-2013
In the second year of the association's suturing workshop, the members had the opportunity of learning and practicing surgical habilities such as sutures, knots, presurgical desinfection and the fundaments of some anesthesiology procedures. During the event, the students counted with the help and collaboration of the doctors Manuel Pera and Luis Grande and the participation of general surgery's and gastroenterology's medical residents of Hospital del Mar.
Suturing Workshop 2011-2012
To finish the activities in the academic year of 2011-2012, the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences had the pleasure of hosting its first suturing workshop organized by the association. Every member had the opportunity to participate in one of the arranged sessions. Each session had an approximate duration of two and a half hours and was held with the help and collaboration of surgeons like Professor Manuel Pera and Dr. Luis Grande.
The aim of the sessions was to learn and practice basic surgical skills, therefore, in each session there were five different stations: surgical tools, knots, anesthesic infiltrations, simple suture and continuous suture. The participants were divided in five groups and were designated to a specific station rotating afterwards through the other ones. In each station a general or gastroenterological surgery resident supervised and taught the participants.