Surgical Association
How to get involved in research as medical student?
Project: CASCADE
The Gimbernat Surgical Society will be collaborating this year with STARSurg UK and EuroSurg in the CASCADE study, an audit to assess the cardiovascular outcomes after major abdominal surgery in multiple European and UK centres.
A total of 12 members of our association will have the opportunity to work as data collectors from our hospital alongside with Consultant doctors from the General and Digestive Surgery Service, Dr Marta Jiménez-Toscano and Dr Silvia Salvans.
More information soon... Keep posted!
Project: CovidSurg
CovidSurg is an international project prompted by the necessity of understanding the consequences of performing surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The broad aim of the project is to produce data that can help inform decisions on the management of patients who undergo surgery during this or even future pandemics. More concretely, CovidSurg is a cohort study that will include patients undergoing any sort of surgery, including obstetrics, who are diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to the operation or up to 30 days after discharge. The primary outcome will be 30-day mortality rate. Secondary outcomes will include, postoperative respiratory failure, postoperative ICU admission and reintervention, among others.
CovidSurg-cancer is another study that will run parallel to CovidSurg and will include patients planned with curative cancer surgery including those who have their surgery completed during the pandemic and those whose surgery was cancelled or delayed. The primary outcome will be, in this case, COVID-19 infection rate. Secondary outcomes will include, crucially, information to compare patients who had their surgery completed and those whose surgery was subject to a delay.
Some members of the association are collaborating with the collection of morbimortality data of Hospital del Mar patients in the general surgery department (Norberto Alonso, 5th year medicine student) and the urology department (Miriam Cazador, 6th year medicine student & Adrián López, 3rd year medicine student).
In October 2020, two members of the association (Núria Casanova, 6th year medicine student, & Adrián López, 4th year medicine student), have participated in CovidSurg-Week, a new study aiming to determine the optimal timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection and to assess key global surgical indicators, such as postoperative mortality.
Have a look at the articles that were made from this project:
Project: OGAA
April 2018-January 2019
The Gimbernat Surgical Association are going to participate in Oesophago-Gastric Anastomosis Audit (OGAA), steering by Mr. Richard Evans, Mr Pritam Singh, Mr Sivesh Kamarajh, Mr. James Bundred, Prof Derek Alderson...
Oesophageal cancer is the 6th leading cause of cancer related death. The main surgical treatment for it is oesophagectomy, an operation to remove part of the oesophagus and stomach followed by a join between the remaining oesophagus and stomach.
This international audit will look at the rates of breakdown of the joins, commonly termed a “leak”, how they are managed and the effect on the patient outcomes. The informacion collected from this audit will help to develop recommendations on how to prevent and manage this serious complication. Our primary audit objectives are to quantify the incidence of anastomotic leak, in an International multicentre audit and assess the variation in anastomotic leak, the relationship between anastomotic technique and optimal patient outcome and the relationship between anastomòtic leak therapy and optimal patient outcome.
Have a look at the article that was made from this project:
Project: IMAGINE
March-April 2018
The EuroSurg collaborative is an international research group led by students and surgical trainees. It was founded at the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) meeting in 2015 and has evolved quickly with active members in over 10 European and International countries. Its main purpose is to achieve significant multicenter studies in several countries around the world.
EuroSurg’s current study, in which our association and Hospital del Mar are part of, it is called “IMAGINE: Ileus MAnaGement INtErnational”, an international, observational study of postoperative ileus and provision of management after colorectal surgery.
With this collaboration, our association initiates a new path in the world of research, a fundamental part of Medicine, demonstrating that we are a multifaceted association that is not only interested in surgery, but also in humanities and research.
Have a look at the article that was made from this project:
Hello! I am Miranda Rico, president of the AQG, and with 8 other members of the association, I have the pleasure to collaborate with EuroSurg and participate in the Imagine study. This is a great opportunity to me, as a fourth year medical student, to help in such an important research, wich can help and may change, the future management of colorectal surgery.