Surgical Association

10th Anniversary

10th Anniversary

10th Anniversary

10th Anniversary

10th Anniversary

10th Anniversary

AQG Welcome Meeting

AQG Welcome Meeting

AQG Welcome Meeting

Physical exploration conference - Dr Juan Guzman

Physical exploration conference - Dr Juan Guzman

Physical exploration conference - Dr Juan Guzman

Women in Medicine and in Surgery - 8M 2021

The medical humanities: the what, the why and the how

The medical humanities: the what, the why and the how

The medical humanities: the what, the why and the how

The medical humanities: the what, the why and the how

Erasmus and Clerkships

Erasmus and Clerkships

Erasmus and Clerkships

AQG Alumni

AQG Alumni

AQG Alumni

AQG Alumni

AQG Alumni

AQG Alumni

Common anatomical mistakes in surgical anatomy

Common anatomical mistakes in surgical anatomy

Common anatomical mistakes in surgical anatomy

Common anatomical mistakes in surgical anatomy

USMLE exam: An indispensable step to do a residency or a fellowship in the US. Why, when and how. From right to left: Ana Sofia de Freitas, secretary; Idoia Álvarez, president; Dr. Dimitri Docaratto and Adrián Puche, vice-president.

The oral and maxillofacial speciality conference by Dr. Carles Martí.

The oral and maxillofacial speciality conference by Dr. Carles Martí. From right to left: honorary president professor Manuel Pera, president Idoia Álvarez, Dr. Carles Martí, vice-president Adrián Puche and secretary Ana de Freitas.

Anatomical amphitheaters in Europe: The factory of the human body as a spectacle. Professor Fermín Viejo making his presentation.

Anatomical amphitheaters in Europe: The factory of the human body as a spectacle.

Anatomical amphitheaters in Europe: The factory of the human body as a spectacle. Professor Fermín Viejo making his presentation.

Anatomical amphitheaters in Europe: The factory of the human body as a spectacle.

Vascular Surgery in the XXI century with doctor Riambau

Vascular Surgery in the XXI century with doctor Riambau

Vascular Surgery in the XXI century with doctor Riambau

Summer clerkships: Five enriching experiences. From right to left: Idoia Álvarez, Ana Sofia de Freitas, Adrián Puche, María Rodríguez, Mª Teresa Murcia, Professor Manuel Pera, Victor Ruíz, Celia Miñón, Maria Soriano.

Summer clerkships: Five enriching experiences.

Summer clerkships: Five enriching experiences. Maria Soriano and Celia Miñón sharing their experience in Guildford.

Summer clerkships: Five enriching experiences. Maria Rodríguez telling us about her stay in Dublin.

Summer clerkships: Five enriching experiences. Victor Ruíz explaining his experience in a surgery program in Prague.

Summer clerkships: Five enriching experiences. Idoia Álvarez, the association's president, and Adrián Puche, vice president, delivering the award for best surgery teacher to Professor Sancho.

A philosophy of the body with Professor Emilio Lledó From right to left: Professor Cristóbal Pera, Ana Sofia de Freitas (Secretary), Professor Emilio Lledó, Idoia Álvarez (President), Adrián Puche (Vice President)

A philosophy of the body with Professor Emilio Lledó From right to left: Ana Sofia de Freitas (Secretary), Professor Emilio Lledó, Idoia Álvarez (President).

A philosophy of the body with Professor Emilio Lledó Professor Emilio Lledó

A philosophy of the body with Professor Emilio Lledó Professor Cristóbal Pera giving the opening speech.

Surgical Training in the UK with Professor Michael Griffin From right to left: Professor Manuel Pera, Ana de Freitas (Secretary), Idoia Álvarez (President), Professor Michael Griffin, Professor Luis Grande.

Surgical Training in the UK with Professor Michael Griffin

Compression Neuropathies in the upper limb with Dr. Rodríguez Miralles From right to left: Dr. Rodríguez Miralles; Professor Pereira, honorary member; Idoia Álvarez, president; Adrián Puche, vicepresident; Professor Manuel Pera, honorary president.

Compression Neuropathies in the upper limb with Dr. Rodríguez Miralles

Compression Neuropathies in the upper limb with Dr. Rodríguez Miralles

Compression Neuropathies in the upper limb with Dr. Rodríguez Miralles

A personal view of my future after completing my surgical training. From right to left: Adrián Puche, vicepresident; Ana de Freitas, secretary; Idoia Álvarez, president; Dr. Silvia Salvans; Professor Manuel Pera, honorary president; Pablo Jiménez, treasury.

A personal view of my future after completing my surgical training.

A personal view of my future after completing my surgical training.

A personal view of my future after completing my surgical training.

The last conference of the year: "A journey throughout the cardiovascular surgery".

The last conference of the year: "A journey throughout the cardiovascular surgery".

The last conference of the year: "A journey throughout the cardiovascular surgery".

The last conference of the year: "A journey throughout the cardiovascular surgery".

The last conference of the year: "A journey throughout the cardiovascular surgery".

Celebration of the fifth anniversary of our association with Dr. Joan Sala

Celebration of the fifth anniversary of our association with Dr. Joan Sala

Celebration of the fifth anniversary of our association with Dr. Joan Sala

Celebration of the fifth anniversary of our association with Dr. Joan Sala

From Gimbernat Surgical Association to surgeons

From Gimbernat Surgical Association to surgeons

From Gimbernat Surgical Association to surgeons

From Gimbernat Surgical Association to surgeons

From Gimbernat Surgical Association to surgeons

From Gimbernat Surgical Association to surgeons

Portraits of Physicians and Patients in 19th and 20th Century Art

Portraits of Physicians and Patients in 19th and 20th Century Art

Portraits of Physicians and Patients in 19th and 20th Century Art

Portraits of Physicians and Patients in 19th and 20th Century Art

Portraits of Physicians and Patients in 19th and 20th Century Art

Portraits of Physicians and Patients in 19th and 20th Century Art

Erasmus experiences: the first conference of the year. We had the honor to be visited by Dr. Toni Lerut from Leuven Hospital (Belgium)

Erasmus experiences: the first conference of the year. We had the honor to be visited by Dr. Toni Lerut from Leuven Hospital (Belgium)

Erasmus experiences: the first conference of the year. We had the honor to be visited by Dr. Toni Lerut from Leuven Hospital (Belgium)

Erasmus experiences: the first conference of the year. We had the honor to be visited by Dr. Toni Lerut from Leuven Hospital (Belgium)

Erasmus experiences: the first conference of the year. We had the honor to be visited by Dr. Toni Lerut from Leuven Hospital (Belgium)

USMLE exam: An indispensable step to do a residency or a fellowship in the US. Why, when and how. The president Idoia Álvarez and the vice-president Adrián Puche presenting the conference.

USMLE exam: An indispensable step to do a residency or a fellowship in the US. Why, when and how. Our honorary president, professor Manuel Pera, presenting Dr. Dimitri Dorcaratto.

USMLE exam: An indispensable step to do a residency or a fellowship in the US. Why, when and how. Dr. Dimitri Dorcaratto explaining why, when and how to prepare the USMLE exam.

USMLE exam: An indispensable step to do a residency or a fellowship in the US. Why, when and how.

Neurosurgery's past, present and future From left to right: vice president Adrián Puche, secretary Ana Sofia de Freitas, neurosurgeon Dr. Conesa, president Idoia Álvarez, honorary president Dr. Manuel Pera.

Neurosurgery's past, present and future

Neurosurgery's past, present and future

Neurosurgery's past, present and future

Summer Clerkships Conference From left to right: Ana Sofia de Freitas, association's secretary; Adrián Puche, vice-president; Pablo Jiménez, treasury; Nerea Sevilla; Irene Giménez; Carlos Ruiz; Jorge Pérez, OCAA; Joaquin Gea, dean of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences; Josep-Eladi Baños; Manuel Pera, honorary president; Luis Grande, honorary member; Idoia Álvarez, president.

Summer Clerkships Conference

Summer Clerkships Conference Carlos's erasmus practicum experience in Dublin.

Summer Clerkships Conference Nerea's summer clerkship experience in London.

Summer Clerkships Conference Irene's summer clerkship experience in Guildford.

Summer Clerkships Conference Event inauguration with the president Idoia Álvarez and the vice-president Adrián Puche.

Surgery inside a third world humanitarian organization: A personal experience.

Surgery inside a third world humanitarian organization: A personal experience.

Surgery inside a third world humanitarian organization: A personal experience.

Anatomical Fundaments of Pancreatic Surgery. From left to right: Carlos Ruiz, Dr. Luis Grande, Dr. Fernández-Cruz, Dr. Manuel Pera, Idoia Álvarez.

Surgery performed by women: two stimulating experiences. From left to right: Dr. Manuel Pera, Dr. Joana Ferrer, Dr. Esther Kreisler, Carlos Ruiz

Surgery performed by women: two stimulating experiences.

History of Catalan Surgery.

Anatomical fundaments of upper limb reconstruction.

Anatomical fundaments of upper limb reconstruction.

To complete a specialized surgical formation in USA's excellence centers: a personal adventure.

To complete a specialized surgical formation in USA's excellence centers: a personal adventure.

To complete a specialized surgical formation in USA's excellence centers: a personal adventure.

Lung and Trachea Clinical Anatomy.

The wound as a literary and philosophical metaphor by Rafael Argullol.

The wound as a literary and philosophical metaphor by Rafael Argullol.

Liver Surgical Anatomy: the association's first conference.

Liver Surgical Anatomy: the association's first conference.

Liver Surgical Anatomy: the association's first conference.

Summer Clerkships and Erasmus Conference

Summer Clerkships and Erasmus Conference

Summer Clerkships and Erasmus Conference

Summer Clerkships and Erasmus Conference

Summer Clerkships and Erasmus Conference

Summer Clerkships and Erasmus Conference