Surgical Association
Surgical Anatomy Lecture Series
MAY 21st
Common anatomical mistakes in surgical anatomy
The 21st of May we had a conference on Common anatomical mistakes in surgical anatomy by José Antonio Pereira, a general surgeon and professor of anatomy of the bachelor’s degree in Medicine (UAB-UPF) on the Hospital del Mar University Campus.
We were able to have an overview on the importance of knowing the correct anatomy as well as realize that some time social media has a negative influence on medical knowledge. Moreover, Dr. Pereira has showed us a compilation of anecdotes about the wrong anatomical nomenclature.
We want to thank Dr. Pereira for his amazing conference and we would like end this text with his final quote: "It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived " - Mark Twain.
APR 17th
Surgical anatomy of the heart and great vessels
The 17th of April we had a conference on Surgical Anatomy of the heart and great vessels by Dr. Eduard Permanyer, a cardiac surgeon and associate professor of anatomy of the bachelor’s degree in Medicine (UAB-UPF) on the Hospital del Mar University Campus.
We were able to have an overview on the diferent surgeries cardíac surgeons carry out. He showed us videos on valve replacements, repairment of abnormal of damaged structures in the heart, implantation of medical devices that help control the heartbeat, and the most common type of heart surgery for adults: the coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
It was a great pleasure to have Dr. Permnayer with us and we hope to see him soon.
FEB 25th
Compression Neuropathies in the upper limb with Dr. Rodríguez Miralles
Our association’s fourth conference was delivered by Dr. Rodríguez Miralles, surgeon in the Hospital General de Catalunya. We had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Pereira introducing his colleague and friend Dr. Rodríguez, who worked with him at Clinic Hospital in the Anatomy Chair.
Dr. Rodríguez specialized in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology and later on worked as a surgeon in Sant Cugat until now. He combines his medical skills with his passion about teaching, as we could notice during the conference with his educational style. The talk was interesting and fun, we could enjoy a way to teach and explain anatomy that was both motivational and participative.
Dr. Rodriguez had the kindness to accept our invitation and spend some time with us, answering our questions and concerns.
This conference is a part of our Surgical Anatomy Lecture Series and we hope go on and keep the high standard of our last professors.
NOV 20th
Anatomical fundaments of pancreatic surgery
To close the activities of the first trimester the association had the honor of receiving Dr. Laureano Fernández-Cruz, consultant surgeon at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona and Professor of surgery in the University of Barcelona. With the conference "Anatomical fundaments of pancreatic surgery" the association closes an year inaugurated by the delivery of the Gimbernat award to the best surgery teacher of the bachelor's degree in Medicine UPF-UAB elected by fourth year medicine students.
The winner was one of the association's honorary committee members, doctor Luis Grande.
Dr. Laureano Fernández-Cruz is a not only a national but also international expert in pancreatic surgery and was the first surgeon to perform a pancreas transplant in Spain. In october he received the Virgili award from the Catalonian Surgical Society for his national transcendence in surgery.
OCT 22nd 2012
Anatomical fundaments of upper limb reconstruction
To start the cicle of conferences of the new academic year, the association invited Dr. Manuel Llusá Pérez, who taught us about the importance of anatomical knowledge in upper limb reconstruction. To illustrate it the doctor talked about common surgical procedures such as tendinomuscular transfer while showing representative real images.
6th 2012
Lung and Trachea Clinical Anatomy
Dr. Moya Amorós, head of Thoracic Surgery in Bellvitge Hospital, brought us a conference included in the Surgical Anatomy Course. The introduction of the event was conducted by the association's president Sergio Loscos and by Dr. Pereira, anatomy teacher in the bachelor's degree in Medicine UPF-UAB.
The audience had the pleasure to enjoy a very interesting conference led by an experienced surgeon on the field. The conference focused mainly in the study of a few clinical cases about tracheal stenosis and lung cancer. With Dr. Moya the attendants were able to discover the variables and factors that determine and influence this kind of surgery and were led to consider this medical speciality as an option for their future.
30th 2012
Liver Surgical Anatomy
The Gimbernat Surgical Association was founded January 30th of 2012 by a group of medicine students. The president, Sergio Loscos, delivered the speech that presented the new association and also gave way to the beginning of its Cicle of Conferences. During the speech, the president highlighted that surgery is not only a surgical subject but it also includes the humanitarian values in which the medical profession is based on.
The association had the honor of receiving Dr. Emilio Ramos, head of the Liver Surgery Unit in Bellvitge Hospital and professor in the University of Barcelona, who iniciated the Cicle of Conferences. The doctor taught the audience about the most important aspects of the surgical approach of the liver and the biliar ducts in a class supported by audiovisual material that allowed the event participants to understand the anatomy of the liver from a practical point of view.
The event was concluded by Professor Manuel Pera, head of the Gastrointestinal Surgery Unit in Hospital del Mar and professor in UAB, who emphasized the interest showed by the association founders and encouraged the members to move forward and try to get surgery and medical students closer.