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Book Reviews

Principios y práctica de cirugía + Student Consult, 6th edition (Spanish translation). Edited by O. James Garden, Andrew W. Bradbury, John L. R. Forsythe and Rowan W. Parks, Format: Paperback, 508 pages, with illustrations. (Price: 56.91 €). Publisher: Elsevier España, SL (2014). ISBN 978-84-9022-478-8.

Type and Scope of book: A multiauthored comprehensive textbook on the fundamentals of surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, general surgery (abdominal wall, breast surgery, endocrine surgery) as well as covering other surgical specialities such as vascular and endovascular, plastic, urology, cardiothoracic, neurosurgery, transplants, trauma and orthopaedics, and otorrynolaryngology. This text enables the student to appreciate both the medical and surgical implications of diseases encountered in surgical wards. What is particularly appealing are the EBM (Evidence Base Medicine) boxes, which provide the reader with the much needed information in a bullet point format to compliment the text. You get an online version with the paper text.

Overall grading:

Recommended readership: It is a highly recommended textbook for both the medical student and surgical resident.


Reviewer: Luis Grande. Service of General and Digestive Surgery. Hospital Universitario del Mar, Barcelona

Date: December 18, 2015

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